Liriodendron Leaf Yellowing
During the hot, dry conditions of summer, numerous trees will shed some of their leaves. A good example is tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera). I (think) I remember flying in from the Pacific Northwest in August one dry year and as we got close to landing, was able to pick out the tuliptrees due to their earlier than fall color yellow leaves interspersed on the tree among the more prevalent green.
Today, I was walking in Wooster in northeast Ohio, and the ground was littered with fallen leaves of tuliptree. It even seemed like some of them were sweating in the 90+...
Yellowpoplar Weevil Damage on Magnolia
Yellowpoplar weevil adults (Odontopus calceatus) causes feeding damage on tuliptree (yellow-poplar, tulip-poplar, tuliptree), magnolia and sassafras, resulting in holes in leaves, aptly described as resembling “curved rice grains” by many fact sheets, including an excellent one by the University of Kentucky. After adults mate in late spring, eggs hatch and larvae “mine” areas of the leaves, resulting in a scorched appearance of the new growth of the tree or shrub (certain magnolias). Although this damage is not considered important to plant health, it may significantly affect the...
BYGL Mail, Part Two: Week of June 13
More responses from bygl-alert readers:
3). Tom Holcomb wrote that:
Our 80-year old plus parents have a gorgeous huge tulip poplar. Earlier it was full of blossoms. Squirrels have nipped most of them off. They believed this is the first year that this is happened. Wondering if there is a reason/explanation for this?
I do not know the answer, but one possibility is that this is due to the large amount of nectar produced by tuliptree (another name for tulip poplar) flowers. If so, their behavior is not so squirrely, after all.
4). ...
Yellow Poplar Weevil on Tuliptree
Yellow poplar weevil (Odontopus calceatus) is a snout beetle that causes mostly cosmetic damage on tuliptree (also known as yellow poplar and tulip poplar), sassafras, and certain magnolias. I noted damage on tuliptree this past week while also noting developing cicada tree flagging also occurring on tuliptree. Damage on tuliptree leaves includes little bean-shaped scar-like pits in leaves due to epidermal feeding by the weevil adults and larger leaf blotch mines by the weevil larvae. Damage is usually just cosmetic, but in outbreaks may result is a scorched appearance to the...
Tuliptrees are in Full Bloom in Southern Ohio
Tuliptrees (a.k.a tulip poplar, yellow poplar) are in full, glorious bloom in southern Ohio! Don't miss these showy, fiery, tulip-like blooms peeking out from the dark green foliage on this wonderful native tree.
Ohio's Big Trees Program lists a Tuliptree in Richland county at 228" circumference, 136' height and 71' spread.