Turfgrass Disease

Late Winter & Spring Turfgrass Diseases

Remember the majority of turfgrass problems are not caused by diseases but are the result of two key factors. #1. Adverse weather conditions that are not conducive for growing cool-season grasses.  #2. Injury or damage to the turfgrass plants from use and ware and/or maintenance procedure that were not properly executed.
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Joseph W. Rimelpsach
Todd E. Hicks
Amy Stone

Slime Mold on Turfgrass

Slime molds can be found on all types of turfgrasses – from cultivars chosen for lawns to weedy grasses that pop up in places were regular maintenance just isn’t regular. Slime molds are usually more noticeable following extended periods of leaf wetness. With recent rains experienced in NW Ohio, people have been asking "what is going on in my lawn?"
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Amy Stone