hemlock woolly adelgid

Learn More About the Great Lakes Basin Forest Health Collaborative (GLB FHC)

Many of our BYGL readers, like yourself, are interested in the health of our forests, whether that be large expansive woodlands, or individual plants in urban areas. We were recently contacted by Anna Funk and Rachel Kappler with Holden Arboretum and the Great Lakes Basin Forest Health Collaborative. Below you will find information written by Anna and Rachel to introduce you, in a Q and A approach, to the collaborative and most importantly what you can do to help.
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Amy Stone
Joe Boggs

Hemlock Woolly Adegid – A 2019 update

In mid-October 2019, Jim Chatfield, Amy Stone, and Thomas deHaas attended the Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI) to discuss conifer health, specifically, Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis) and hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) (HWA). HWA was first discovered in West Virginia in 1992.
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Thomas deHaas
Jim Chatfield
Amy Stone

Workshop on Treating for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) and Elongate Hemlock Scale (EHS)

Tom Macy (Forest Health Program Administrator, Division of Forestry, Ohio Department of Natural Resources) has organized a workshop on treatment options for two non-native invasive pests threatening hemlock in Ohio: hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) and Elongate Hemlock Scale (EHS).
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Joe Boggs
Dave Shetlar

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Lake and Geauga County, Ohio

Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae, is an invasive insect in eastern North America. It feeds on Canadian Hemlock, Tsuga Canadensis. The insect was discovered last summer feeding on a mature stand of Hemlocks on Little Mountain on a property located on the grounds of Holden Arboretum. Although it is uncertain how the adelgid got there, it is thought that it arrived on birds migrating north. Because of the discovery, both counties have been quarantined. Canadian Hemlocks grown in nurseries located in Lake and/or Geauga County, Ohio will have special requirements and restrictions on movement...
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Thomas deHaas