emerald ash borer

Emerald Ash Borer University (EABU) - Upcoming Sessions

Emerald Ash Borer University (EABU) was created to be able share programming on the EAB, and other invasive pests, virtually, before it was the in-thing! While you are receiving lots of information about programs and presentations being offered virtually in response to the stay-at-home order, we wanted to remind you of the sessions EABU has on tap in the next couple months. Additionally, the sessions that have been offered in the past have been recorded and can be viewed at your convenience. 
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Amy Stone

Putting Ash Wood to Good Use - Lessons from the Urban Wood Network

Earlier this month, Emerald Ash Borer University (EABU) hosted an online webiner entitled, "Putting Ash Wood to Good Use - Lessons from the Urban Wood Network." While many of us from Ohio have already lived through the devastation of EAB; some may have utilized the ash, some may have not, but either way, you will enjoy the webinar presented by Don Peterson, executive director of the Urban Wood Network.  
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Amy Stone

Learn More About Ash Hazards

Earlier this month, Joe Boggs authored a BYGL Alert entitled, Ash Breakage: the Hazard Continues (March 19, 2019). To follow-up with this topic, we wanted to alert you to an upcoming webinar from EAB University called Dead Ash Dangers and Considerations for Risk and Removal.
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Amy Stone

Ash Breakage: the Hazard Continues

During our BYGL Zoom Inservice today, the group discussed the continual hazard presented by ash trees that have been killed by (EAB, Agrilus planipennis). Participants located throughout Ohio noted that walks in the woods remain a serious risk with dead ash trees breaking or toppling over onto walking trails.
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Joe Boggs

Watch Your ASH!

Now that the Emerald Ash Borer has infested Lake County, Ohio, many Green Ash trees in the landscape and forest woodlots have died. But the real danger is right overhead. With dead trees and wind combined, it can be a costly and deadly combination. A tree that shows severe infestation will die within the year. The danger is these trees soon become a fall hazard and need to be removed before injury or property damage occurs.
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Thomas deHaas

Updated EAB Detection Map

Each month, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) updates and distributes an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) Detection Map. While EAB is "old news" to many in the buckeye state, it is interesting to continue to watch the progression of this invasive species in North America. In February 2003, EAB was confirmed for the first time in Ohio in Lucas County in NW Ohio, approximately seven months after the initial detection and identification in Michigan the summer before. Fast forward 14+ years later...

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Amy Stone

Emerald Ash Borer University - Spring 2017

Are you looking to get your emerald ash borer (EAB) updates?  Pesticides?  Parasitoids?  Why not learn more about EAB and other invasives from the comfortable of your own office or home?  Tomorrow, February 21 is the official kick-off to the "2017 spring semester." 


On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 11:00 am EST, Dr. Cliff Sadof with Purdue University will be providing an update on Chemical Control of EAB:  What Works, What Doesn't Work, and Why.  This session is the first of a series of presentations that include information on hemlock woolly...

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Amy Stone