multicolored asian lady beetle

Act Now to Prevent Fall Invaders!

It won't be long before fall home-invading insects start appearing on our doorsteps in search of winter quarters. The unwelcomed guests may include Boxelder Bugs; Western Conifer Seed Bugs; and Magnolia Seed Bugs. Of course, the two most notorious fall marauders are the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles and Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs. These non-natives have a deserved reputation for invading homes in huge numbers.
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Joe Boggs

Fall Home Invaders: spiders, stink bugs, and more!

The calls have begun.  Insects and spiders are being found inside homes around Medina, and I suspect many other counties in Ohio.  Fall brings an annual immigration of all sorts of arthropods but this is not meant to be a halloween horror, but a normal part of the life cycle and survival of many creepy (or cute!) crawlies.


Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs


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Ashley Kulhanek