
Turfgrass Times, 04.15.2022

Here is the second edition of this year's OSU's Turf Team Times. Contributors this week include:  Dr. David Gardner (OSU, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science (HCS), Professor - Turfgrass Science); Dr. Ed Nangle (OSU, Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI), Assistant Professor, Interim Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management; Program Coordinator - Equipment Manager Certificate); Dr. Dominic Petrella (OSU, ATI, Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management); Dr. Pam Sherratt (OSU, HCS, Turfgrass Specialist); Dr. Karl Danneberger (OSU, HCS, Professor - Turfgrass...
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Amy Stone

Turfgrass Times, 04.01.2022

Here is the first edition of this year's OSU's Turf Team Times. Contributors this week include:  Dr. David Gardner (OSU, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science (HCS), Professor - Turfgrass Science); Dr. Ed Nangle (OSU, Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI), Assistant Professor, Interim Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management; Program Coordinator - Equipment Manager Certificate); Dr. Dominic Petrella (OSU, ATI, Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management); Dr. Pam Sherratt (OSU, HCS, Turfgrass Specialist); and Dr. David Shetlar (OSU, Department of Entomology,...
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Amy Stone

New FactSheet - Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways

Check out this new Ohio State University FactSheet, Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways. The FactSheet authors include: Ashley Kulhanek, Educator, Ohio State University Extension; Eugene Braig, Program Director, Aquatic Ecosystems, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University; and Zane Raudenbush, Turfgrass and Herbicide Specialist, Davey Tree.
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Amy Stone

Turfgrass Times, 09.24.2021

Check out the latest edition of the OSU's Turfgrass Team's Turfgrass Times. Kudos to Dr. Ed Nangle and Dr. Dave Gardner on this week's video as this year winds down. Tune in to learn more about a weed to be on the look out for - Virginia buttonweed, and management of wild voilets and ground ivy.
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Amy Stone

Turfgrass Renovation

While temperatures are still hot and it feels like we are in the heat of the summer, now is the time to begin planning and implementing practices for a lawn renovation in the upcoming weeks. Last year during the pandemic, Dr. Zane Raudenbush, formally of OSU's Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI) created a video series to walk you through a lawn renovation. 
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Amy Stone

Turfgrass Times, 06.04.2021

Last Friday, members of the OSU Turfgrass Team gathered to share their expertise in the latest Turfgrass Times You Tube video. Reports from Dr. David Gardner, Dr. David Shetlar (aka the BugDoc), and Dr. Ed Nangle. Dr. Gardner shared a weed update, including management options, and made mention of red thread. Dr. Shetlar discussed insects including: cicadas, May / June beetles, white grubs, and adult craneflies. Dr. Nangle talked about the weather, soil temperatures and mentioned some up coming educational opportunities. 
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Amy Stone