
We Speak For The Knees?

Correction 5.20.20
An article published in the International Journal of Plant Sciences was brought to my attention by Bob Polomski, Ph.D., Extension Associate, Clemson University, indicating that Baldcypress knees do indeed function as pneumatophores.

See citation below for article text:

Martin, C. E., & Francke, S. K. (n.d.). Root aeration function of baldcypress knees (Taxodium distichum). International Journal of Plant Sciences176(2), 170–173...

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Paul Snyder

Cypress Twig Galls Adorn Baldcypress

I came across the galling handiwork of the cypress twig gall midge fly (Taxodiomyia cupressiananassa) on baldcypress while on a photo-trek in southwest Ohio on Thursday.  These spongy, white galls were something of an oddity when I started with Extension 25 years ago.  However, for some reason that has changed with these galls becoming a common adornment on baldcypress.
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Joe Boggs