Ailanthus altissima

Seeing is Believing: Ohio State University Extension Embarks on a Spotted Lanternfly Study Tour

Like many other states in the Midwest, Ohio is preparing for imminent infestations of Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). This invasive planthopper, first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, poses a threat to the fruit production and plant growth of valuable specialty crops, most notably grapevines. Though infestations have already been confirmed in several counties throughout Ohio, history tells us that additional infestations will continue to appear and grow. Many eastern states have already been contending with this nuisance for the past few years and possess...

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Carrie Brown

Spotted Lanternfly Traps Deployed In Ohio

While we have posted BYGL alerts to encourage Ohioans to be on the look-out for signs and symptoms of a spotted lanternfly (SLF) (Lycorma delicatula (White)) infestation in the buckeye state, there is another tool that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) are using in locations associated with transportation opportunities the SLF might be utilizing to aid its movement (i.e., road side rest areas, truck stops, or near railways). We realize that although this insect can spread on its own, usually on a limited basis, the greatest threat...
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Amy Stone
Thomas deHaas

Check Out the Spotted Lanternfly FactSheet

While the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (SLF) has not been found in Ohio, the detection of the non-native invasive in Western Pennsylvania has people concerned. Ashley Kulhanek, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator in Medina County, and Jamie Dahl, Central State University Extension's Forest Outreach Coordinator, have co-authored a FactSheet, Be Alert for Spotted Lanternfly, ANR-83.
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Ashley Kulhanek
Amy Stone