Turf Insects

Turfgrass Times, 05.28.2021

This week's OSU Turfgrass Times includes reports from Dr. Dave Gardner, Dr. Dave Shetlar (aka BugDoc) and Dr. Ed Nangle. Report highlights include a timely weed update including: oxalis, speedwell, crabgrass, and rough bluegrass. Insects on the radar are: periodical cicada, annual bluegrass weevils, bluegrass billbug, hairy chinch bug, and white grubs. 
Published on
Amy Stone

Turfgrass Times, 06.21.2019

Here is your link to the weekly video update (recorded on 06.21.2019) from the OSU Turfgrass Team. Updates are from Dr. David Shetlar, aka The Bug Doc; Dr. David Gardner; Dr. Ed Nangle; Dr. Pamela Sherratt; Joe Rimelspach; and Dr. Zane Raudenbush.
Published on
Amy Stone