buckeye turf

Turf Team Times, 03.15.2024

It's Back - The Turf Team Times (TTT), the 1st seasonal update of all things turf, has been posted for 2024. This first edition was recorded on Friday, March 15, 2024 and will continue to be bi-weekly, until the end of May, and then will transition to a weekly format.
Published on
Amy Stone
Tyler Carr
Ed Nangle

Turfgrass Times, 09.09.2022

Be sure to check out this week's Turfgrass Times created by the OSU Turfgrass Team. This recording is a little bit different than the normal update as it includes the timely updates followed by a live portion with industry professionals.
Published on
Amy Stone

Turfgrass Times, 04.01.2022

Here is the first edition of this year's OSU's Turf Team Times. Contributors this week include:  Dr. David Gardner (OSU, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science (HCS), Professor - Turfgrass Science); Dr. Ed Nangle (OSU, Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI), Assistant Professor, Interim Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management; Program Coordinator - Equipment Manager Certificate); Dr. Dominic Petrella (OSU, ATI, Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management); Dr. Pam Sherratt (OSU, HCS, Turfgrass Specialist); and Dr. David Shetlar (OSU, Department of Entomology,...
Published on
Amy Stone

Late Winter & Spring Turfgrass Diseases

Remember the majority of turfgrass problems are not caused by diseases but are the result of two key factors. #1. Adverse weather conditions that are not conducive for growing cool-season grasses.  #2. Injury or damage to the turfgrass plants from use and ware and/or maintenance procedure that were not properly executed.
Published on
Joseph W. Rimelpsach
Todd E. Hicks
Amy Stone