On recent visits to area gardens centers I noticed that they are filled with inventory and bursting at the seams! Since we haven't had the best weather for the first part of May, garden center owners are looking for an incredible Mother's Day weekend - the busiest day of the year for them. The weather so far looks to be promising not only for this weekend but also for next week. Plants are looking good right now but they need to be moved out the door and into gardens in order to make way for the next crop that is pushing right behind!
A reminder to gardeners that once you get your plants, try to plant them as soon as possible in order to keep them in prime condition. Pay close attention to watering those you put in the ground for these first few weeks. If you get a beautiful container for Mother's Day, take care of it all season with proper watering as well as fertilizing.
Check your plants on a regular basis for any potential insect or disease problems. Catch a problem early. If you aren't sure what's happening with your plants, contact your local Extension office for assistance. Note: For any OSU Extension office in Ohio, type in the county name followed by osu.edu. For instance, clark.osu.edu is the weblink to find information about Clark County. In addition, many counties have fantastic Master Gardener Volunteer programs that offer horticulture helplines where you can call in with your gardening questions. You can also post a question to the Ask a Master Gardener online link.
The hot rage in gardening this season continues to be fairy gardens as well as succulents. The selection of succulents have exploded in the last year. These whimsical gardens and container plantings are fun to make and fairly easy to maintain.
Whatever you do, head to the garden centers soon while the selection is still good! And of course it's always a good idea to have more plants.