Doggone Gorgeous Dogwoods!

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Here in Northeast Ohio, it has been an incredible year for observing bloom of ornamental flowering trees.  I propose that both the marvelous color and length of bloom is due to the bursts of very warm temperatures (70’s), followed by days of cooler temperatures (50’s), with a day or two of rain mixed in to keep things fresh!  The warm temperatures caused the buds to push fast into full bloom; however, then the cool temps and the rains move in preserving not only the colors, but also prolonging the length of bloom appeal and persistence on the plants.

Cornus florida, American Dogwoods
Stunning sugar white, blooms of Cornus florida



One plant that I have enjoyed observing in this glorious year of bloom, has been the American Dogwood or Cornus florida.   The white “petals” are not blossoms but are bracts, which are modified or specialized leaf-like structures!  The real flowers are the cluster of one-to-two dozen or more tiny, greenish-yellow flowers at the junction of the four bracts.


American dogwood, Cornus florida
Filling the landscape space with INCREDIBLE dogwood flowers


While the white bracts have been sugar white, pristine and stunning, the real show stopping, eye-popping, “pull the car over NOW” floral experience for me, has been the pink flowering dogwoods this year!  Being smaller stature trees, the floral display has appeared as a compact cloud hovering in place, and it has been just glorious.  These specimen flowering trees, whether mature or young, seem to explode with a fabulous array of pink colors, in each landscape they adorned this year.


Pink American Dogwood, Cornus florida
Overwhelmed by PINK... Dogwood, Cornus florida


I’m so impressed by the plant this year, that I’m now considering the possibility of planting some “pink” in the Drape-scape!


Pink Dogwood blooms close
The incredible display of a pink American Dogwood this year