While the feeding damage of gypsy moth caterpillars has been done for some time, the egg masses that are present now can predict what the future holds and what populations are expected to do in 2017. Egg masses laid this year are tan and felt-like in appearance (upper egg mass in the photo). Older egg masses are faded and much lighter in color and appear weathered (lower egg mass in the photo).
If you are interested in learning more about the Ohio Department of Agriculture's (ODA) Gypsy Moth Suppression Program check out their website at http://www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/plant/gypsy/gypsy-index.aspx Suppression treatment applications are due to ODA by September 1, 2016. The application for the cost-share treatment to be applied in the spring of 2017 is due in less than one month. Treatment criteria include:
- Proposed block must be located in a county that has been designated quarantine for gypsy moth by ODA.
- Proposed block must contain a minimum of 50 contiguous forested acres.
- Proposed block must have a concentration of at least 250 egg masses per in residential forested areas or 1000 egg masses per acre in uninhabited forested areas.
- Proposed block must have a tree canopy that covers no less than 50% of the block.
- Proposed block must consist of at least 35% of tree species that are either susceptible or slightly resistant to the gypsy moth.
- Proposed block must receive a favorable T & E Assessment from ODNR and the US Fish & Wildlife Service.
Speaking of the gypsy moth, here is a link to an updated form for people living inside the gypsy moth quarantine that are moving outside the quarantine. If this is you, or you know someone who this situation describes, be sure to share this information. This information was provided by USDA APHIS (July 2016).
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has updated PPQ Form 377: Gypsy Moth Checklist and Record of Your Self-Inspection. People who live in the gypsy moth quarantine area—generally the northeast quadrant of the contiguous United States—must use PPQ Form 377 to inspect their outdoor household goods for gypsy moth before they move to a non-infested area. The Federal gypsy moth regulations (Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations 301.45-4) require this action to prevent the human-assisted movement of this damaging pest of woody plants. A copy of the form must be accompany the household goods during the move. This checklist may be completed by the person moving or by a qualified certified applicator. Once completed and signed, the checklist is an official certificate that will satisfy Federal requirements for interstate moves.
The updated checklist is now a fillable PDF document that can be completed and signed digitally. This electronic document, once completed and signed digitally, is acceptable in all instances where the checklist is required. The new version of the checklist makes it easier for those who are moving and for the moving industry to comply with the gypsy moth regulations. The updated checklist can be downloaded from the APHIS Web site. It is the second page of the factsheet “It's the Law: Before Moving, Check for the Gypsy Moth.”