This was one of many tomato questions submitted to Ask an Expert and Ask a Master Gardener, OSU Extension's on-line service providing Ohioans answers to horticulture questions and other topics. This started a discussion on how providing a definitive answer is not always possible. Even when more details are provided, one diagnostic solution is not always the answer; there can be several things all happening at the same time. In this particular case, we reviewed the many possible causes for tomato wilt. These include:
- lack of water,
- tomato spotted wilt virus,
- vascular wilts - Verticillium and Fusarium wilts,
- stalk borer
- Walnut toxicity
The key to a good diagnosis is asking good questions and hopefully receiving accurate information. Fortunately, the first rule of diagnostics was easy - identify the plant; this was a tomato plant.
If you want to familiarize yourself with tomato ailments here are some good resources: