On Tuesday, September 17, Farm Science Review's Gwynne Conservation Area is teaming up with the North American Pawpaw Growers Association to bring you a fun-filled day packed with informational talks and demos focused on Eating Wild !
From growing pawpaws and native hops to foraging safety and toxic plant identification, you’re sure to leave equipped with new knowledge and skills. And be sure to join us at the Cabin at Noon for a pawpaw pulp processing demo and pawpaw ice cream social!
Events run throughout the day, 10:30am-3:00pm, and will be located at the Gwynne Conservation Area at Farm Science Review. Featured topics include:
Pawpaw Pulp Processing & Pawpaw Ice Cream Social with the North American Pawpaw Growers Association
Agroforestry Opportunities for Woodland Owners
Ginseng Cultivation
Growing Ohio Native Hops
Foraging Safely
Toxic Plant Identification
Log-Based Mushroom Production
Aquaculture Overview
Are you familiar with Farm Science Review and the Gwynne Conservation Area? The Gwynne is a 67-acre conservation area where conservation demos, talks, displays, and tours are held during Farm Science Review, September 17-19, in London, Ohio. Featuring a pond, wetland, tallgrass prairie, stream, pawpaw orchard, and forage plots, the Gwynne offers a little something for everyone.
Parking and admission is available on Farm Science Review main grounds and then hop on a shuttle to the Gwynne Conservation Area.
Though September 17th is dedicated to nature’s bounty, talks and exhibitions on a variety of natural resource topics will be held throughout each of the three days of Farm Science Review, September 17-19. A complete schedule of all three days can be found HERE.