The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has declared August as TREE CHECK MONTH for Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB). August is the best time of year to check for adult beetles that have emerged from trees. Read the full news release here.
The USDA is asking the public to check their trees for the invasive wood-boring beetle that feeds on Maple, Willow, Birch, Buckeyes, Elm and Ash species. Trees eventually die as a result of the larval feeding. Adults chew out of the trees in summer leaving behind 3/4 inch exit holes that are an excellent diagnostic feature to look for when monitoring for ALB.
Now is the time where adults will be actively feeding on leaves and mating, making them easy to spot. They are large 1 to 1/5 inch long beetles with distinct white spots on a black body. They have blue feet and black and white striped long antenna.
You can always look for signs of their exit holes, chewed pits where they lay their eggs, and sawdust-like frass (bug poop) that is pushed out of the wound when feeding.
Help stop the spread of ALB. Don't move firewood and check for exit holes or other signs of boring.
REPORT IT!! If you suspect ALB, you can report it to the Ohio Department of Agriculture using their plant pest reporter site.
If you live in an area where ALB is active, follow state quarantine rules, do not move firewood, and inspect your vehicle for any signs of hitchhikers that could spread the pest outside its current zone.
Don't forget the other new invasive species on the Ohio radar include:
Spotted Lanternfly and Box Tree Moth.