Seeing Spots in Ohio

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Last week, Jonathon Shields with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) reporting seeing the first spotted lanternfly adult in Ohio this year. The observation was made in Cincinnati, Ohio in an already identified infestation in southwest Ohio.


Spotted Lanternfly Adult
Photo Credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension - Lucas County


This is an important report. Because of the size of this stage of the insect, approximately 1 inch long, and 1/2 inch wide, they more easily capture the attention of residents. Its is anticipated that additional reports will be made this summer and fall, as people notice the larger adult stage if they are present. They also fly during this stage capturing attention in this movement. You just never know where they may land. 


Adult SLF Lands on Amy Stone in a Pennsylvania Infestation
Photo Credit: Pamela Bennett, OSU Extension - Clark County 


There has been an increase in SLF suspect reports being submitted on the Great Lakes Early Detection Network (GLEDN) App and the ODA's online reporting system. Both require a clear photo of the insect to be confirmed. Reports have been received from Cuyahoga County, Franklin County, Hamilton County and Lucas County. 


Some of those reports have been coming in from Toledo, Ohio in Lucas County. While last year, several individual adults where found and reported in this area, follow up survey work in the immediate areas did not find reproducing populations. However, SLF are making their presence known and becoming obvious to even the casual outdoor enthusiast. Currently, we are seeing 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars in this northwest Ohio infestations. 


Spotted Lanternfly Stages
Photo Credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension - Lucas County


No matter your location, we are urging Ohioans to get outdoors and look for signs and symptoms of the invasive.  While we hope you don't find them, if you do, it is important that you report what you are seeing. 


The ODA will be working on updating an Ohio specific SLF map that will include any quarantines in place to slow the artificial movement of SLF, ultimately reducing the spread. Current counties that are quarantined include: Jefferson, Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties. Additional counties where SLF has been confirmed will be added when the updated map is released in August during Tree Check Month. 


If you suspect that you have seen SLF, capture an actual insect or take a clear photo of the insect, and get the address or GPS coordinates, to help those doing the follow up survey in the area to find the location where you found the insect. 


Reports can be made using the online reporting system on the ODA website at:


Another option is using GLEDN. You can download the app at your phone at the app stores. GLEDN utilizes EDDMaps to map the confirmed locations. Check out this website for additional information: 


We have also noticed nationally that people are using iNaturalist to report SLF. The preference in Ohio is to use the ODA reporting system or GLEDN as those are checked regularly and notifications are received when new reports are made. 


Stay tuned to BYGL for future Alerts and updates on SLF in Ohio.