Turfgrass Times, 05.18.2022

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Check out the latest edition of the OSU's Turfgrass Team Times! 


The video includes reports from Dr. David Gardner (OSU, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science (HCS), Professor - Turfgrass Science); Dr. Ed Nangle (OSU, Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI), Assistant Professor, Interim Program Coordinator - Turfgrass Management; and Dr. David Shetlar (OSU, Department of Entomology, Retired). 


Highlights include: last year's armyworm outbreak; black cutworm update from the south; billbugs loving recent hot and dry weather; white grubs building; weed update - crabgrass, dandelion, wild violet, creeping charlie, Canada thistle, and rough bluegrass; soil temperatures; turfgrass field trials; ticks; and impact of a no mow May on turfgrass and the importance of adding flowering plants to the landscape to attract pollinators.  


Check out the recording at: https://youtu.be/wMFU1HamRP4