OSU Green Industry Short Course, Formally the OSU Nursery Short Course, To Be Held in December

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Don't let this educational opportunity for green industry professionals slip by. The 2021 OSU Green Industry Short Course will once again be held in collaboration with the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation's Conference and Trade Show on December 7 - 9, 2021 at the Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. By registering, you will be able to choose from a wide variety of educational concurrent sessions including: Plants and Practices, Landscape Pests, Equipment Maintenance, General Pest Track, Golf Turf Management, Professinal Lawn Care Track, and Sports Field Management Track. 


Thinking Spring - Magnolia in Bloom
Photo Credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension - Lucas County


To get a sneak peak at the program, and to learn how you can register for this in-person conference, check out the OTF website at: https://ohioturfgrass.org/page/OTFShowInformation


We are grateful to OTF for hosting the registration, and allowing OSU to partner with them. Participants will have some many educational sessions to choose from including those with continuing education credits for their pesticide license, their arborist certification, and more. 


There is a group discount when 4 indivuduals from the same company registers at once. Take advantage of the savings and come as group.