CFAP Federal Assistance Available for Nursery (including Greenhouse) and Specialty Crops

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The USDA recently.opened the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) to nursery crop (including greenhouse) and cut flower producers - and added numerous additional specialty crops to the list of eligible commodities.


What is CFAP? This federal assistance program is geared to help producers that have faced 5% or greater price declines, lost product due to changing supply chain issues, or have faced additional marketing costs due to COVID-19.


Want more info on CFAP?

  • For additional details on the CFAP program, and for a list of eligible commodities, please visit
  • Register here to join the USDA's August 19 Webinar to learn more about these added commodities.


How do I apply for CFAP funding? Producers can begin submitting applications for federal assistance today, August 17, 2020 through September 11, 2020. Your local Farm Service Agency staff will help you prepare and submit the application for CFAP.  To find your local Farm Service Agency and make an appointment - click here.