2019 Commercial Applicator Recertification Conferences

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  • Five hours of recertification credits in one day!
  • Core credit available multiple times.
  • Fertilizer Recertification will be offered at Dayton, Sandusky and Columbus conferences.
  • All Categories will be offered.

Interstate reciprocity will be offered for the following states:  Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.  Additionally, ISA and CCA credits will be offered for approved classes. 

Exams will be offered at all four locations beginning at 10:30 am, for all categories.  Walk-in seats will be available. Please register for the exam by calling the Ohio Department of Agriculture at:  614-728-6978, or registering on-line at agri.ohio.gov.



2019 Commercial Recertification Conferences


January 9 (Wednesday)
Dayton Convention Center
Dayton, Ohio
  February 22 (Friday)
Kalahari Conference Center
Sandusky, Ohio




January 15 (Tuesday)  
John S. Knight Center
Akron, Ohio
  February 26 (Tuesday) 
Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, Ohio 

For Conference Questions, please go to pested.osu.edu or call OSU Pesticide Safety Education Program at 614-292-4070.

For Registration Questions, please call Walcom Registration Services at 740-524-4123