Word of the Week - Growing Degree Days (GDD)

Growing Degree Days (GDD) are a measurement of the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Development does not occur at this time unless the temperature is above a minimum threshold value, or what is also referred to as the base temperature. This base temperature can vary for different organisms and is determined through research and experimentation.
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Amy Stone

Growing Degree Days, Part 3

Last month, a BYGL Alert was written as an intro or refresher to growing degree days followed by a second alert, Growing Degree Days (GDD) – Part 2, (March 16, 2020), . And ealier this week, Joe Boggs authored a BYGL Alert, Observations on Phenology (April 13, 2020), highlighting the sequence of plant bloom, insect activity and optimal timing for pest management. 
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Amy Stone

Growing Degree Days (GDD) - What Is Your #?

While we are living in a world with cancellations, postponements, and social distancing, the spring season has not been canceled, and as a matter of fact the season is progressing. A great way to track that progression is through Growing Degree Day (GDD) Accumulations and the Plant Phenology Network. While many of you might be familiar with GDDs and Plant Phenology, this initial alert will serve as an introduction. It might be new-news for some, or a refresher for others. Additional BYGL Alerts will follow as we track the progression of spring, and ultimately summer, in the buckeye state.
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Amy Stone

New Look to Growing Degree Website

Have you visited the Ohio State University's Growing Degree Day (GDD) website this spring?  If you haven't, you are in for a treat!  The website has a new look, is very easy to navigate, and has an added feature that everyone will be using. 

Once on the home-page, you have an option of inputting any Ohio zipcode.  The date will always be the current date, although you can manipulate and use past dates in your search.  Once the zipcode has been added, website users click on "show me the calendar" and are taken to a short sequence of what is occuring with plant blooms (first bloom or...

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Amy Stone