Datana ministra

Be Alert for Prowling Walnut Cats Thu, 07/23/2020 - 13:16
Walnut moth caterpillars feed in groups, or "colonies," of 10-30 individuals throughout their development which is why their defoliation is often focused on a single branch or a group of adjoining branches. However, it's also why multiple colonies can quickly defoliate small trees.
Published on
Joe Boggs

Be Alert for Yellownecked Cats

Yellownecked caterpillars feed in groups, sometimes called "colonies," numbering 10 – 30 individuals throughout their development. The colonies tend to consume leaves one branch at a time unless populations are high and multiple colonies are feeding on many branches.
Published on
Joe Boggs
Jim Chatfield

Walnut Cats on the Prowl

Walnut caterpillars are producing noticeable defoliation in southwest Ohio. The moth caterpillars feed in groups, or "colonies," of 10-30 individuals throughout their development which is why their defoliation is often focused on a single branch or a group of adjoining branches. However, it's also why multiple colonies can quickly defoliate small trees.
Published on
Joe Boggs