brown marmorated stink bug

Act Now to Prevent Fall Invaders!

It won't be long before fall home-invading insects start appearing on our doorsteps in search of winter quarters. The unwelcomed guests may include Boxelder Bugs; Western Conifer Seed Bugs; and Magnolia Seed Bugs. Of course, the two most notorious fall marauders are the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles and Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs. These non-natives have a deserved reputation for invading homes in huge numbers.
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Joe Boggs
Stink Bug Hunters Provide a Landscape Twofer Thu, 08/01/2019 - 09:40
I attended a meeting last Thursday on plant pollinators at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden (CZBG). One focus was on managing pests by increasing the abundance and diversity of flowering plants in a landscape. Many beneficial insects were two hats be serving as both plant pollinators and enemies of other insects.
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Joe Boggs

Sneaky Stink Bugs

I'm seeing damage on ripening tomatoes in southwest Ohio caused by Brown Marmorated Stink Bug nymphs. I first saw damage from both the adults and nymphs on my own tomatoes in 2015. At that time, we didn't know which direction BMSB populations would take in the southwest part of the state.
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Joe Boggs

Fall Home Invaders: spiders, stink bugs, and more!

The calls have begun.  Insects and spiders are being found inside homes around Medina, and I suspect many other counties in Ohio.  Fall brings an annual immigration of all sorts of arthropods but this is not meant to be a halloween horror, but a normal part of the life cycle and survival of many creepy (or cute!) crawlies.


Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs


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Ashley Kulhanek