Ohio Invasive Plant Council

Invasive of the Week - Japanese Knotweed Popping Up

Often we take notice of invasive plants when they are most obvious - they are in bloom, have put on their yearly growth and are standing tall or maybe wide in some cases, and really can't be missed. But today, I wanted to share an early view of an invasive perennial, Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica). That review includes last year's left-overs, hollow stems standling leafless. No new growth will be initiated from these above stems and soon will be masked or hidden by this year's new growth. 
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Amy Stone

A Tale of Two Visitors

  English ivy (Hedera helix) and wintercreeper euonymus (Euonymus fortunei) are two non-native climbers we are all accustomed to seeing in Ohio landscapes.  Horticulturists and natural area managers often have very different perspectives on these species here in Ohio and in areas, wanted and unwanted, where they grow. What is your “nature and nurture” perspective?
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Jim Chatfield