white grubs

Turf Team Times, 03.15.2024

It's Back - The Turf Team Times (TTT), the 1st seasonal update of all things turf, has been posted for 2024. This first edition was recorded on Friday, March 15, 2024 and will continue to be bi-weekly, until the end of May, and then will transition to a weekly format.
Published on
Amy Stone
Tyler Carr
Ed Nangle

Turfgrass Times, 06.04.2021

Last Friday, members of the OSU Turfgrass Team gathered to share their expertise in the latest Turfgrass Times You Tube video. Reports from Dr. David Gardner, Dr. David Shetlar (aka the BugDoc), and Dr. Ed Nangle. Dr. Gardner shared a weed update, including management options, and made mention of red thread. Dr. Shetlar discussed insects including: cicadas, May / June beetles, white grubs, and adult craneflies. Dr. Nangle talked about the weather, soil temperatures and mentioned some up coming educational opportunities. 
Published on
Amy Stone