Lousy with Lace Bugs

Lace Bugs (order Hemiptera; family Tingidae) are small plant-sucking insects so named because of the lace-like pattern of the veins and membranes in their wings which are held flat over their body. Although most species found in Ohio live on the lower leaf surface of their host plants, there are a few notable exceptions to this rule.
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Joe Boggs
Beth Scheckelhoff

Christmas in July!

It’s not to early to think Christmas. At least that’s what Ohio Christmas Tree Association members thought when the entered trees for judging at The Ohio State Fair.
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Thomas deHaas

Seeing Spots in Ohio

Last week, Jonathon Shields with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) reporting seeing the first spotted lanternfly adult in Ohio this year. The observation was made in Cincinnati, Ohio in an already identified infestation in southwest Ohio.


Spotted Lanternfly Adult Photo Credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension - Lucas...
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Amy Stone

A Complex Story: Disappearing Tomato Leaves, a Tiny Wasp, and a Virus.

At some point along the gardening learning curve, most backyard vegetable gardeners will confront a head-scratching tomato conundrum. Leaves are eaten and green fruit is nibbled high up on the plants. Tiny, black droppings litter the leaves and ground. A thorough search of the plants yields no culprits. Tiny flying rabbits?
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Joe Boggs