What are control strategies for managing oak wilt disease? What do we know about beech leaf disease? Does rose rosette virus affect ‘Knockout’ roses? Which crabapples have good genetic resistance to apple scab disease and how does this compare to 20 years ago? Does apple scab on the fruit matter (as seen on the lead slide for this bygl-alert)?

What is a phytoplasma, anyway and what do bugs have to do with it? How do fungicides work and what works for what? Is that crown gall on the hickory tree at Secrest Arboretum? What is the disease cycle for a range of important plant diseases in the landscape and community forests?

Questions, answers, conundrums, diagnostic profiles, a diagnostic walk in the almost-winter plantscape: come join us for a full day of probings of your phytopathological knowledge, including new and emerging disease problems.

Not to mention an excellent lunch and gourmet snacks. All for $40. Program will be taught by OSU Extensioneers Erik Draper and Jim Chatfield. Registration coming next week; check it out then at:

And, there might even be a bit of point-counterpointing between Mr.’s Draper and Chatfield. This is a long-standing plant pathological tradition. In the early 1900’s J.C. Arthur was unimpressed with Roland Thaxter and accused him of being a “mere squirt-gun botanist” relative to his touting of Bordeaux mixture fungicide and other fungicides.
Thaxter saw the world different, and once said: “Original research is a precious slow coach and is not wanted by the constituency for which the [Research] Stations are created. They do not want pure science; they want mud pies, the sloppier the better.” Hmm.
Then, as now, scientists could occasionally be a bit uncivil. Thaxter once sent two reprints of a Phytophthora paper he had written to H.G. Farlow. The reply:
“I am glad to have two copies of your papers…one copy to feed the little pigs in the laboratory [graduate students], and the other I keep for the capacious devouring of the old hog himself.”

So, let the games begin.
Erik you are a slimy puke; or at least the dog-vomit slime mold!