As I was driving along the other day, it was raining and I was watching the road and the plants around me of course, when suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of purple. Intrigued, I just had to investigate and find out what the heck was going on with the purple flash!

I drove back to where I saw that splash of color to be surprised to find a wall of wisteria, created by the flowers hanging down from vines suspended between trees!

On that dark, dreary, rainy day, the wall of wisteria flowers were a welcome bright spot of color to soothe my restless horticultural soul! My landscaper soul told me that it was really going to be a problem to get those vines out of the trees or they would in fact kill the trees!
Oh well, that concept reflects life in a landscape bed…sometimes you can just enjoy the plants and flowers, while at other times of the year… you’ve got to get out and pull the weeds!