The 83rd Ohio Plant Diagnostics Workshop: September 9! New diseases. Old insects. Plant ID challenges. Becoming more alert to BYGL. And ODA, ONLA and ISA credits, including Core pesticide credits with ODA for the added talk of “Why Pesticide Labels Matter…for Plant Diagnostics.”
Join the Tree Amigos and other OSU faculty and the assembled multitudes of fellow diagnostoids and diagnostites for this day (10:00 – 4:00) of samples, clinic catharsis, case studies, questions and the occasional answer, and a diagnostic walkabout at Secrest Arboretum at OSU’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, OH.
For registration information, contact:
Sarah Mays
OSU Extension- Northeast Region
1680 Madison Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691
330-263-3831 / Fax 330-263-3667