Joe Boggs

Articles Authored

Title Category Published on
Box Tree Moth (BTM) Federal Quarantine Expanded
BUG ALERT: Boxelder Bugs and Other Fall Home Invaders are Poised to Make Their Move
Spider Senses are Tingling
Rough Oak Bulletgalls are Creating a Buzz
Sweetgum, Redbud, and Persimmon: Leaf Rollers, Folders, and Tiers
Untangling Dodder’s Tale
Cherry Defoliation May Not be Drought-Related
Wheel Bugs are on the Hunt: Look but Don’t Touch!
Robber Flies are Smashingly Effective
Box Tree Moth (BTM) Damage is Ramping UP: Insecticide Options
Register NOW for the Centennial Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop
A “Fluffy” Surprise Found Among the Leaves of a Hackberry Tree
Nostoc commune: A Slippery Ancient
Be Alert: Bagworms on Deciduous Trees and Shrub
Mimosa Webworm and Burnt-Orange Honeylocusts
The Unusual Oak Felt Scale
Willow Pinecone Galls Attract Attention
Ambrosia Gall Midge on Goldenrod
Big Buzzing Green June Beetles are Cruising Ohio Lawns
White Pine Weevil has Left the Building
Magnolia and Tuliptree Scales
Flameless Fireflies
Remember the Forgotten During Pollinator Week: June 17 – 24, 2024
Rusty Holey Rose Woes
Swiss Cheese Magnolia Leaves Now Showing Brown Blotches
Jumping Oak Galls
Yucky Yucca
Are we Poised for the Return of “Cheetos Dust?”
Will Fall Webworm Make a Comeback in Ohio?
UPDATE: Leaf Blotches on Aesculus – The Leafminer is Revealed