82nd Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop

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  From Dogwood diseases to doghouse damage, from beetlemania to bot rot, literally from Aster yellows to Zinnia powdery mildew, diagnostic workshops are where it’s at. Please come to Wooster in the late, late summer sun.  Samples galore and clinic catharsis, a few short talks, a diagnostic walkabout at Secrest Arboretum six years after the storm, the Secrest sound system blaring out Townes van Zandt, Johnny Cash, and Leadbelly. Yowser. Registration information is coming soon, but for now highlight with stars and multicolored magic markers, from the Ohio State University Extension Nursery Landscape and Turf Team: Friday, September 9, 10:00 – 4:00 at Secrest Arboretum in Wooster: The 82nd Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop.

  And remember what the dormouse said, er I mean, remember what Pelinor of Buckland said:

“Diagnosis of the maladies of the plantes of the heathe and of the moors, penetrating to the very heart of darkness of Nature gone wrong, is man’s most pressing calling.”


Kousa dogwood foliage in July