Black Knot Not Black

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Black Knot of Prunus is caused by the fungus, Apiosporina morbosa, and is characterized by thick, corky, elongated gall-growths on twigs and branches.  The common name of the disease is based on the coal-black coloration of older galls late in the growing season.

Late-Season Black Knot Gall
Late-Season Black Knot Gall

Currently, newly sporulating black knot galls are olive-green or reddish brown and may have a velvety texture.  Newly forming galls may appear as simple swollen growths causing the bark to crack; they may be mistaken for a cankering disease.

Newly Forming Black Knot Gall

Later in the season, the galls may develop a white or pick discoloration caused by the fungal parasite, Trichothecium roseum.  Although black knot is primarily associated with cherry and plums, fungal galls have been recorded on 24 species of Prunus.

White Discoloration Caused by Trichothecium roseum
White Discoloration Caused by Trichothecium roseum

