Earth Day Can Be Everyday in the Green Industry

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On Friday, April 22, 2016 people across the world will be observing Earth Day.  United State Senator Gaylord Nelson was the founder and organizer of first Earth Day.  Observed beginning in 1970, Earth Day was developed as a day of education about environmental issues.  In 1990, Earth Day went global.  According to the Earth Day Network (EDN), over 200 million people in over 140 nations participate in this observation.  Some areas celebrate not just a single day, but rather an entire week. And the green industry could be recognized for celebrating Earth Day all year long! 


Earth Day is a broad event developed to address air, water and land issues facing or communities, states, country and the world.  A perfect fit for plants and the benefits they provide.  Whether your interest in horticulture is professional, or you have a passion that has grown into a hobby or maybe even an addiction, you may feel that every day is Earth Day.


So will you be doing something special to celebrate Earth Day this year?  A quick web search led me to several lists describing what people can do.  There is something for everyone to be involved with no matter how big or how small.  How about a short list of ways to celebrate Earth Day in Ohio to get those creative juices flowing:


  • Plant a tree.
  • Organize a community cleanup at a local park, school or natural area. 
  • Encourage the correct mulching of trees - NO MORE VOLCANOS! 
  • Make a recycling plan at work or home. 
  • Take time to identify and research a local environmental issue of interest.  Join a group, make a donation of time or dollars, or simply learn more about that topic.


Please share, via Facebook or Twitter, your Earth Day observation.  Here are the links:


We can’t wait to see your posts!