Thursday, February 6, 2025
Sharonville Convention Center
11355 Chester Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45246
What is the Tri-State GIC?
The Tri-State Green Industry Conference (GIC) has been offered annually for over 85 years. From its humble beginnings in a greenhouse head house, the GIC has grown to a premier regional one-day training event with 10 educational tracks: Annuals & Perennials; Trees & Shrubs; Turfgrass Management; Greenhouse & Urban Agriculture; General Pest & Disease Management; Emerging Ideas & Issues; Landscape Ecosystems; Worker Safety; a track taught in Spanish, and a track targeting Educators that focuses on Green Industry Workforce Development.
Don’t miss this premier Tri-State Green Industry one-day educational event!
More Information and Registration:
What Does the Tri-State GIC Offer?
Professional Credits/CEUs
Pesticide Applicator: Ohio (ODA) and Kentucky Pesticide Recertification Credits/CEUs:
- ODA Commercial Applicator: CORE = 3 hrs.; 1 = 0.5 hrs.; 3A = 1 hr.; 4A = 1 hr.; 5 = 1 hrs.; 6A = 3 hrs.; 6B = 1 hr.; 6D = 5 hrs. (3 are in Spanish); 8 = 2.5 hrs.; 10D = 1 hr.
- ODA Private Applicator: CORE = 3 hrs.; 4 = 4 hrs.; 5 = 5 hrs.(3 hrs. are in Spanish); 7 = 4.5 hrs.
- Kentucky Pesticide Applicator CEUs: Category 1A = 1 CEU; Category 2 = 1 CEU; Category 3 = 13 CEUs; Category 5 = 1 CEU; Category 8 = 1 CEU; Category 11 = 1 CEU;
ISA Credentials CEUs:
- Certified Arborist = 22; Utility Specialist = 11; Municipal Specialist = 22; Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA)-Science = 10; BCMA-Practice = 1; BCMA-Management = 11; Tree Worker (TW) Climber Specialist = 6; TW Aerial Lift Specialist = 6
Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LA CES) CEUs: 18 teaching presentations qualify
Indiana Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credits have been requested and are pending
Cutting-edge horticultural training sessions
Networking Opportunities
Vendor/Trade Show:
The Trade Show is open throughout the event. However, the exhibitors become the focus of attention during lunch ("Lunch and Dessert with Trade Show Exhibitors") and two breaks ("Beverage Break in the Trade Show").
For the 2025 Tri-State GIC