Centennial Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop
Friday, September 6, 2024, 9:00am – 4:00pm
OSU CFAES Secrest Arboretum
Secrest Arboretum Welcome and Education Center
2122 Williams Rd, Wooster, OH 44691
Whether you're a professional in horticulture, agriculture, or simply a passionate gardener, this workshop offers something for everyone. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand your knowledge and sharpen your diagnostic skills alongside experts in the field.
ISA, ODA categories 6A & 4A credits available. ONLA and Master Gardener credit eligible
Cost: $50.00, includes Lunch
Direct Registration Hotlink: SPACE IS LIMITED
Workshop Website Hotlink
Sessions and Speakers:
1. Boxtree Moth Identification and Reporting: Joe Boggs
Discover more about the invasive boxtree moth, recently identified in Ohio. Learn crucial identification techniques and how to report sightings effectively. We’ve learned more about the insect since Joe’s update last year. Joe Boggs will also cover distinguishing boxtree moth from other common boxwood issues.
2. Diagnostic Update on Ornamental Diseases and Pests: Dr. Francesca Rotondo
Get insights into both common and uncommon diseases and pests affecting ornamentals based on samples from the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic at Ohio State University.
3. Steps to Proper Plant Diagnostics: Jim Chatfield, Joe Boggs, Erik Draper
Unpack the 20 essential steps required for accurate plant problem diagnosis. This session is invaluable for anyone involved in plant health management.
4. Hands-On Diagnostic Workshop: Joe Boggs, Eric Draper, Jim Chatfield, Paul Snyder
Put your skills to the test with 40 different disease and insect samples. Learn how to apply diagnostic questions effectively in real-world scenarios. Extended time will be spend going over the samples. We haven’t had enough time in the past for all the samples, this year we do!
5. Arboretum Walk Exploring Plant Health in the Landscape: Joe Boggs, Eric Draper, Jim Chatfield, Paul Snyder
Take a stroll through the Arboretum to view and discuss horticultural, plant pathological, and entomological problems as well as plant evaluation plots.
Paul Snyder