The Ohio Green Industry Association concluded the last of 9 Walk-abouts for industry professionals throughout the state of Ohio at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
The zoo was kind enough to host the event on September 21, 2023.
The Zoo grounds crew does a fantastic job maintaining the grounds making it challenging to find struggling plant materials.
Insects, diseases, and physiological problems with plantings were discussed.
The walk-about was scheduled for 2 hours and offered for recertification credit.
Roni Petersen (left), OGIA staff in charge of Membership and Organization assembled the walk-abouts and managed registration.
The walk-about was targeted to improve diagnostic skills of industry professionals.
The Zoo walk-about was led by Tim Malinich, past ANR Educator and Associate Professor for The Ohio State University,
and Thomas deHaas, ANR Educator for OSU Extension- Erie County.
Some examples of discussion topics included Red Maples and Burning Bush that were being challenged by their planting location in parking lot islands.
Both Red Maple roots
and Burning Bush roots were observed growing outside the curbing.
Participants observed Hemlock Elongate Scale,
Guignardia Leaf Blotch on Horse Chestnut,
dieback on Redbud,
and tree identification of plants like Dawn Redwood,
along with other issues.
Thanks to OGIA for organizing the event. Participants sharpened their diagnostic skills.
An upcoming opportunity with OGIA is the midwestGreen Conference this Fall.
Registration is now open for The midwestGREEN Conference which will take place in Columbus, Ohio on November 6th and 7th.
A registration link is attached:
Hope to see you at the OGIA midwestGreen Conference in November!