Held at the Boone County Arboretum
9190 Camp Ernst Road, Union, KY 41091 (just south of Cincinnati)
The 121-acre Boone County Arboretum has over 3,600 trees and shrubs.
Visit the Arboretum Online: https://bcarboretum.org/
Download the Plant Collections Map: https://bcarboretum.org/plants/collection-map-pdf
Monday, September 11, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
What is the OGIA / OSU Diagnostic Walkabout?
Professional Training: The Walkabout is for Green Industry professionals (arborists, landscapers, turf managers, nursery managers, etc.). Thanks to the Ohio Green Industry Association (OGIA), a wide range of professional credits and CEUs are available.
Comprehensive: Participants will look at plants, plant pests, plant diseases, landscape designs, and other points of interest. Discussions focus on plant problem diagnostics, plant health management, plant selection, and sustainable landscape designs.
Hands-On: The training is held outdoors; topics are viewed first-hand.
Real-World: The Diagnostic Walkabout reflects real-world landscape scouting. Anything found during the Walkabout is open for consideration!
Walkabout Leaders:
Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Hamilton County / OSU Entomology
Kris Stone, Director, Boone County Arboretum
Robert Brockman, Extension Agent, Horticulture (Entomologist!), UK Boone County Extension
Professional Credits:
ISA: Certified Arborist-3, Municipal Specialist-3, BCMA-Science-1.5, BCMA-Practice-1.5
LIC: 1
ODA: 8 - 1hr, 6A - 2hr
KDA: 3 CEUs for Category 3 (Ornamental Turf & Lawncare)
REGISTER NOW! SPACE IS LIMITED! Registration will close when the walkabout is full!!
Click on the following hotlink to register:
The cost is $45. with the code DW23
See you at the OGIA / OSU Greater Cincinnati BYGL! Diagnostic Walkabout!