August 25, 2023
USDA works closely with Federal and State officials to eradicate Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) using a combined approach that includes imposing quarantines, conducting tree inspections, removing infested trees and sometimes high-risk host trees, using a systemic insecticide when appropriate, researching best practices and new eradication methods, and involving and informing residents. The following provides information about current infestations.
Tree Check Month
August is almost over but it’s not too late to help the eradication programs by checking your trees for the Asian longhorned beetle and the tree damage it causes. Watch the video on how to spot the signs and report anything suspicious here.
USDA Under Secretary Jenny Moffitt recently visited the program in Ohio where APHIS and the Ohio Department of Agriculture are working to eradicate the insect.
ALB in the United States
ALB is in 4 states: Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and South Carolina. Eradication efforts eliminated infestations in Illinois and New Jersey. If you live in a quarantine area, please keep this tree-killing pest from spreading. Follow state and federal laws, that restrict the movement of woody material and untreated firewood.
SOUTH CAROLINA – First detection: May 2020
Regulated Area: 76.4 sq. miles in Charleston/Dorchester Counties
Infested Trees: 8.026
64 Charleston, 5,063 Hollywood, 1,604 Johns Island, 1,295 Ravenel
Removals: 7,796
4,876 Infested, 2,920 High-Risk Hosts
Surveys: 266,621
Residents can dispose of regulated yard waste at Bees Ferry Road Convenience Center, 1344 Bees Ferry Road, 29414, or Hollywood Convenience Center, 5305 Highway 165, 29449. For more information, please call 843-973-8329 or click South Carolina.
OHIO – First detection: June 2011
Regulated Area: 49 sq. miles* in Clermont County
Tate and Williamsburg Townships
Infested Trees: 21,756
34 East Fork Recreational Area, 48 Monroe Township, 21,671 Tate Township, 3 Stonelick/Batavia Township
Removals: 117,550
21,695 Infested, 95,855 High-Risk Hosts
Surveys: 4,376,449
The wood disposal yard located at 2896 State Route 232 in Bethel is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Wood chips are available for residents from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month. For more information, please call 513-381-7180 or click Ohio.
* Monroe Township was eradicated in September 2018, resulting in a reduction of the regulated area by .5 sq. miles. Stonelick and Batavia Townships were eradicated in March 2018, resulting in a reduction of the regulated area by 5 sq. miles.
MASSACHUSETTS – First detection: August 2008
Regulated Area: 110 sq. miles* in Worcester County
Infested Trees: 24,209**
1 Auburn, 6 Boston, 1,413 Boylston, 233 Holden, 1,097 Shrewsbury, 699 West Boylston, 20,760 Worcester,
Removals: 36,265**
24,209 Infested, 12,056 High-Risk Hosts
Surveys: Inspections continue
The wood disposal yard is located at 0 Dr. Paul Ware Drive in Boylston and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. For more information, please call 508-852-8090 or click Massachusetts.
* Boston (Suffolk County) declared eradication in 2014, resulting in a reduction of the regulated area by 10 sq. miles. ** Due to additional host trees removed through acreage cuts within the regulated area, the actual number of infested trees and the actual number of trees removed is unknown.
NEW YORK – First detection: August 1996
Regulated Area: 53 sq. miles* in Nassau/Suffolk County
Infested Trees: 7,2525
2,900 Amityville, 2,327 Brooklyn, 27 Islip, 110 Manhattan, 1,831 Queens, 57 Staten Island
Removals: 24,116
7,244 Infested, 16,872 High-Risk Hosts
Surveys: Inspections continue
For more information, please call 866-265-0301 or click New York.
* Brooklyn and Queens were eradicated in 2019, resulting in a reduction of the regulated area by 58 sq. miles. A new infestation detected in the Amityville area in 2013 resulted in an increase of the regulated area by 28 sq. miles. Manhattan (New York County) and Staten Island (Richmond County) were eradicated in 2013, resulting in a reduction of the regulated area by 26 sq. miles. Islip (Suffolk County) was eradicated in 2011, resulting in a reduction of the regulated area by 7 sq. miles.
USDA laboratories conduct research to learn more about the beetle. This information guides the approach used to fight infestations. Field studies, trials, and laboratory research over the years have been vital in developing the protocols used today to fight the beetle.
Current research includes regulatory treatments for wood and nursery stock, chip size and grinding techniques to deregulate host materials, traps to lure adult beetles, and the use of dogs to detect the insect’s presence. USDA is also studying how the insect spreads on its own and its host tree preference and range and conducting DNA analysis and various behavioral experiments.
Latest Maps
Interactive Quarantine Map
Eradication Program Maps
Informational Webpages
APHIS Eradication Program
Informational Reporting Site
Outreach Materials
All Publications
Door Hanger
Identification Card
Social Media
Facebook @asianlonghornbeetle
Flickr @asianlonghornedbeetle
Twitter @StopALB
YouTube @BeetleBusters
If you live in a quarantine area, you can help by allowing program officials access to your property to perform tree surveys and remove infested and, in some cases, high-risk host trees. Hire companies that have compliance agreements with the eradication program for working on host trees. And never move wood out of regulated areas, because it can spread the beetle and other tree pests and diseases.
Report ALB
If you think you’ve found ALB or an infested tree, record the area, capture the insect, and take digital pictures. Then contact the eradication program operating in your state, or call the ALB hotline at 866-702-9938, or report online.
ALB National Policy Manager
Kathryn Bronsky, 301-851-2147
ALB National Operations Manager
Josie Ryan, 631-229-3287