Turfgrass Team Times, 07.21.2023

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The most recent edition of the Turf Team Times (TTT) is finally out - we have added Spotify to the bandwidth! Broadleaf weeds, water and other issues are covered!


Contributors include: Dr. Ed Nangle, Dr. David Gardner, Dr. Tyler Carr and Todd Hicks. 


Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/turf-team-times/id1676677368?i=1000621933821


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/092XFfmcgzY5Lzv18zhLPV?si=ltNMJvWkQKWVqRYvoHl8Yg


YouTube: https://youtu.be/Sp5ieqCokJ4