Spotted Lanternfly has not been in the news lately. But that does not mean you can’t go look for them! At this time of year Spotted Lanternfly in Ohio is only present as an egg mass. But training your eye to see egg masses is key.
On a cold January 6th, 2023, morning, a group of Master Gardeners, Commercial Nurserymen, and Educators met to scout for Spotted Lanternfly egg masses and learn about life stages and hosts of SLF.
The day began as the group gathered at St Joseph Catholic Cemetery on Woodland Avenue in Cleveland. The group first looked at 3D models of egg masses.
The attendees then tried to locate as many egg masses as possible that they could find on crypts in the cemetery.
There was a group of trees at another part of the cemetery where egg masses were also present.
In addition, Tree of Heaven and Staghorn Sumac were both discusses. Tree of Heaven can be identified by its heart shaped leaf scar.
Staghorn Sumac, which also has a compound leaf is sometimes confused with Tree of Heaven, but Sumac has a leaf scar that surrounds the bud.
The group then moved to the wall at the south end of the cemetery.
A delineation survey was done and revealed dozens of egg masses present on the underside lip of stones on the wall.
Next the group traveled to Rockefeller Greenhouse off Martin Luther King Blvd.
The attendees viewed a power point detailing the infestation, its movement to Ohio along train tracks, hosts of Spotted Lanternfly, and insects and plants that could be confused with Spotted Lanternfly.
In addition, the group observed 3D models of the insect in various life stages.
The Ohio State University Extension Educators Carrie Brown, Ann Chanon, Tom deHaas, Carrie Jagger and Sabrina Schirtzinger helped with the training.
So, it is not too early. Put on a coat, hat, boots, and gloves and GET OUT AND SCOUT!