Ohio Department of Agriculture sprayed an infestation of Spotted Lanternfly on the West Side of Cleveland at Mohican Park.
An infestation was detected several weeks ago and the City of Cleveland – Division of Forestry, granted permission to spray the invasive pest.
Several hot spots were detected and treated to help control the spread of Spotted Lanternfly.
Scouting for the pest continues with help from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Cleveland Metroparks, City of Cleveland, and The Ohio State University Extension.
Adults were found on Tree of Heaven
and on Wild Grape vines.
Several females specimens were captured.
Female SLF have a set of red valvifers at the distal end of the abdomen.
The pest continues to spread and threatens grape growers and orchards.
The insect will not hurt people but sucks the life out of fruit trees and vines.
Continue to look for the insect and report findings to ODA at 614-728-6400.