Trees can be a great asset to our landscape and environment. But it pays to plan ahead.
You may have heard the expression, “Right Tree, Right Place!”
When considering planting a tree, several things should be considered. They include Zone hardiness, PH of the soil, drainage, the maximum height, and space the tree will require when mature, Genus, species, and cultivar.
Many times, trees fail because of us. The first part of success with tree planting is choosing a tree that is hardy to your zone.
Ph of the soil is particularly important. How do you determine Ph of your soil? Conduct a Soil Test.
Several labs are available. A few are listed below:
Pennsylvania State University Soil Analytics Lab:
Ag Analytical Services Lab
Address111 Ag Analytical Services Lab
University Park, PA 16802
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
OFFICE 814-863-0841
FAX 814-863-4540
A and L Great Lake Laboratory:
A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc.
3505 Conestoga Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46808-4413
Phone: (260) 483-4759
Fax: (260) 483-5274
How do I take my soil test? See the link attached:
Once you determine zone hardiness and soil PH, choose a tree accordingly.
Here is a list of BYGL articles dealing with a variety of different Genus species and cultivars.
Street Trees of Ohio – Articles
Street Trees of Ohio – What’s your favorite?
Street Trees – Part 1 – Maples-Acer
Street Trees Part 2 – Aesculus-Buckeye
Street Trees Part 3 – Betula-Birch
Street Trees Part 4 -Eucommia (Hardy Rubber Tree), Ginkgo (Ginkgo), Maclura (Osage Orange)
Street Trees Part 5 – Gymnocladus, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Gleditsia, Honeylocust, and Koelreuteria, Goldenrain Tree
Street Trees Part 6 – Metasequioa, Dawn Redwood and Taxodium, Bald Cypress
Street Trees Part 7 – Quercus-Oaks
Street Trees Part 8 – Elms, Ulmus and Zelkova
Street Trees Part 9 - Cornus-Dogwood, Viburnum, Syringa-Lilac, Cercis-Redbud
Street Trees Part 10 – Ostrya, Carpinus, Chionanthus
Street Trees Part 11 – Nyssa and Liquidambar
Street Trees Part 12 – Platanus, Prunus, Amelanchier, Tilia
This Pin Oak is showing nutrient deficiencies due to being planting in high PH soil.
Planting the tree at the proper depth is important.
A flare at the base of the tree above the root ball or soil line should be present.
The tree should not look like a telephone pole.
That would mean the tree was planted too deep.
Mulching should not touch the tree trunk.
In addition, ‘volcano mulching’ will cause problems,
including girdling root and tree decline.
Consideration for how close to a building or structure,
Or how close to a road are important.
Trees need soil and space to grow to provide air, water, and nutrients.
This may have seemed like a good idea when the tree was a seedling.
You can avoid decline of trees
or death of trees
by choosing and planting wisely.