This week we look at what some choices for street trees that you may not have considered; Hornbeam, Hop hornbeam, and White Fringe Tree.
Carpinus caroliniana, Musclewood or American Hornbeam does well in partial shade and can tolerate wet soils.
Carpinus caroliniana ‘Autumn Fire’™, Autumn Fire Hornbeam is an upright grower and can be used as a street tree.
Carpinus betulus, European Hornbeam has been around for a while.
Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’, Pyramidal European Hornbeam is heat and drought resistant and can make a nice street tree.
After many years, it can grow into a large tree so needs room.
Carpinus betulus ‘Columnaris Nana’, Dwarf Columnar European Hornbeam is a dwarf, compact grower requiring little pruning and can be used for small tree applications.
Carpinus betulus ‘Lucas’, Lucas Columnar European Hornbeam has a dense columnar habit and makes a good street tree.
Ostrya virginiana, American Hophornbeam, is a native, useful in dry locations. It can be used for lawns, parks, or as a street tree.
Chionanthus retusus, Chinese Fringetree has clusters of white flowers in the spring.
Chionanthus retusus ‘Tokyo Tower’, Tokyo Tower Fringetree has a narrow vase shape and upright in growth habit. It is a small slow growing tree so may be better considered for a small plaza or compact setting.
If you are looking to add variety, consider Hornbeam, Hophornbeam, or White Fringe Tree.