Check Out the Spotted Lanternfly FactSheet

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While the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (SLF) has not been found in Ohio, the detection of the non-native invasive in Western Pennsylvania has people concerned as the known population is moving closer to Ohio. Ashley Kulhanek, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator in Medina County, and Jamie Dahl, Central State University Extension's Forest Outreach Coordinator, have co-authored a FactSheet, Be Alert for Spotted Lanternfly, ANR-83. The FactSheet can be found on Ohioline at:


In addition to raising awareness about this invasive planthopper, we would also encourage BYGLers to be on the look-out for this insect. The insect has spent the winter as an egg arranged in columns or rows with other SLF eggs and covered with a waxy substance that appears like mud. Egg masses can be found on any flat surface as shown below on this tree.


Two Egg Masses Laid on a Tree
Photo Taken in Pennsylvania; Photo Credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension, Lucas County 


As temperatures warm, the eggs will begin hatching and 1st instar nymphs will begin their feeding by peircing their mouthparts into branches, twigs and trunks. While the host plant list is extensive for this insect, tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and grapes (Vitis spp.) are two favorites. If you want to join the SLF scouting ranks, you could likely see both, egg masses and 1st instar nymphs.  


All Life Stages in the Lab
Photo Taken in a Lab in Pennsylvania; Photo Credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension, Lucas County


If you see something that you suspect is SLF, please take a photo or collect the specimen and secure it in a container. Reports can be made by contacting the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA). Here is a link to their website and page for SLF:


Suspect reports can also be made using the Great Lakes Early Detection Network (GLEDN) App. Currently we are asking that you report tree of heaven, an invasive plant that SLF prefers, in addition to any suspect SLF finds in Ohio. For additional information on the App check out: