Still Time To Register for Trees on Tap

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On Wednesday, May 23, a program all about trees and some of their threats will be offered at the OSU Mansfield Campus in Mansfield, Ohio. It will be a day filled with tree-mendous topics and speakers.  Here is the Trees on Tap agenda:

  • Acer Mania! with Jim Chatifeld, OSU and Jason Veil, Secrest Arboretum
  • Climate Change Impacts to Trees and Wildlife with Stephen Matthews, OSU-SENR
  • Oak Wilt in Ohio with Enrico Bonello, OSU-Plant Pathology
  • Impacts of Invasive Insects: More Than Meets the Eye with Dan Herms, Davey Tree
  • Beech Leaf Disease with Enrico Bonello, OSU-Plant Pathology


Registration for the day long program is $40.00 and includes lunch and program materials. You can register online at


ISA, SAF, and ODA credits will be available.  Continuing education credits for MGV and OCVN can also be earned.


Deadline to register is May 17, 2018.