Ohio Woodlands, Water and Wildlife Summer Newsletter

Ohio State University Extension's Ohio Woodland Stewards Program publishes the Woodlands, Water and Wildlife newsletter. The Summer Issue is out and includes the following articles: Bats in Building Research Request; Developing Small Woodland Management Service Providers from the Green Industry; The Unwanted Invaders - An Invasive Species Update; Future Foresters: Camp Canopy; and a list of upcoming classes and webinars.
Published on
Amy Stone
Marne Titchenell
Kathy Smith

Beech Leaf Disease Update

Recently we received a beech leaf disease (BLD) update that was shared by Thomas Macy, Forest Health Program Manager with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry including a couple maps. Additionally, background information has been added as part of this BYGL Alert to provided more information about BLD in case readers are not aware of this situation, or would like a background refresher. 
Published on
Amy Stone
Joe Boggs

Where Are The Lightning Bugs? Soon Friends!

Last summer, a neighbor asked why we don’t see Lightening Bugs anymore. This summer, there are already posts on social media asking about the lightning bugs and fireflies. Each of these concerns were about the lack of our beloved lightning bugs. Last year we ended up with beautiful displays, and there is no reason to think they're gone this year. Let's learn some more...
Published on
Ashley Kulhanek
Eric Barrett

Is Emerald Ash Borer on the Rebound in Ohio?

The lead image for this Alert of an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) (Agrilus planipennis, family Buprestidae) adult was taken on June 1, 2023, in Butler County, OH. According to our Ohio State Phenology Calendar, 50% of adult emergence occurs when the accumulated Growing Degree Days reach 1000. As of today, the accumulated GDD for Cincinnati is 998.
Published on
Joe Boggs
Amy Stone