BYGL Mailbag - November 24, 2016: Nude VIburnums

  I was talking to the Ohio Hosta Society the other night about Vibunum nudum (go figure) and it reminds me now during this Thanksgiving holiday time that it is time to catch up with the BYGL Mailbag and comments from bygl-alert readers. Note: If you correspond, we will not use your name and direct quotes for these Mailbag items without your permission.

  So, Viburnum nudum…if you have read and you know...

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Jim Chatfield

Trees on Tap Program: December 5

  Ohio is certainly the place for trees (more later), and you will certainly learn a great deal more about trees at OSU’s 2nd Annual Trees on Tap program on December 5 at the Ohio Convention Center, immediately preceding the 89th Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course and 50th Ohio Turfgrass Conference from December 6-8. 
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Jim Chatfield

Perennials for Shade

While some areas of the state have received their first snowfall of the season, others haven't had that joy - at least not yet.  This time of the year is a great time to expand your knowledge and learn the latest and the greatest; all in preparation for the 2017 season. 


If someone asks for a perennial recommendation for shade, do you answer with those perennial staples and long-time favorites?  Do you want learning more about perennials for shade beyond the basics?  Which plants can you tuck in the shade and it is there that they make a statement in the landscape?  Which...

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Amy Stone

Don't Be A Turkey And Miss The Green Industry Short Course and OTF Conference and Tradeshow Early Registration Deadline - November 25

As everyone is busily preparing for Thanksgiving, don't forget that the early registration for the 2016 Green Industry Short Course and the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Tradeshow is Friday, November 25- it is like getting two educational programs for the price of one and the early bird registration discount is just another added bonus! 


There is also a group discount for the same business or organization who will be sending 5 or more employees. 


The event will be held at the Great Columbus Convention Center.  Pre-conference workshops are...

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Amy Stone

Shrubs of the Week: Rosa rugosa Plus

{The images and writing for this bygl-alert is from Joe Cochran, the Curator of OSU’s Secrest Arboretum at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio}

  What a difference a day makes!  I awoke Saturday morning, November 19, to cold, blowing flurries along Granny Creek in Knox County. It was a mere 14 hours prior that I was strolling through the arboretum in short sleeves marveling at the autumn splendors. On trying to decide on a Shrub of the Week, it was soon evident that it would need to be Shrubs of the Week. It was the middle of November and the...

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Jim Chatfield

Tree of the Week: Ginkgo biloba

  Ginkgo leaves this past week or weekend or this very day are falling, or have fallen, or are still dangling golden earrings on the tree, or yet have a touch of green, or fall with the first snow: All at once, almost quantum-esque, depending upon location, within Ohio, or on one side of the street, or dependent upon the condition of the tree. Don’t believe me: check it out.  It is certainly one thing though: The Tree of the Week. Or is it merely one, or is it two, or both one and/or two?. Read on.



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Jim Chatfield

Learn The Latest on Invasives at the OSU Green Industry Short Course

While invasive species are on everyone's radar, do you know the latest? A great way to hear about the latest updates when it comes to invasive plants, insects and diseases is to attend the Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course and the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Tradeshow in December at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. 


Joe Boggs and Amy Stone will be updating participants on invasive species in Ohio with updates from the field and what you can do to help with these battles on Wednesday, December 7. 


Kathy Smith will be...

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Amy Stone

OSU Green Industry Short Course and OTF Conference and Tradeshow - December 5 - 8

Tis' the season to register for the upcoming Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course and the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Tradeshow!  While we haven't seen any snow yet, predictions are in the weekend forecast for at least the northeastern region of Ohio. 


Three preconference workshops will be offered Monday, December 5 and the program runs fromTuesday, December 6 through Thursday, December 8. There is still time to register at the early bird price but don't delay. Register before November 25 for the discounted price. More than five people attending...

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Amy Stone