Revised Worker Protection Standard Workshops Offered in 2017


Is your business compliant with revised worker protection standards?  The Federal Worker Protection Standards (WPS) protects agricultural workers and pesticide handlers by reducing their risk from pesticide exposure.  WPS was revised in 2015, and phased-in compliance begins January 2, 2017. 


These FREE workshop will provide employers and managers what they need to bring their WPS Program in compliance with the new requirements, including changes in training, restrictions during applications, personal protective equipment, decontamination...

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Amy Stone

Tree of the Week: Sweetgum

  You are all waiting for BYGLQuest 3 results, I know you are...Soon. For now, though" 

  There are variegated sweetgums. There are upright sweetgums. There are those who are driven to distraction by sweetgum fruits, cool though they are.  There are the multitudinous fall colors of sweetgum, There are the winged stems of many sweetgums. There are the truly wonderful monoecious flowers of sweetgum. There are sweetgums in the snow. There are sweetgums that range from Florida to states north of Ohio. Liquidambar styraciflua, you of the twice-named gum, we barely know ye!...

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Jim Chatfield

2016 Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course A Success

A shout out to all the attendees, presenters, moderators and monitors who participated in the 2016 OSU Green Industry Short Course.  The Short Course was held last week in collaboration with the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation's Conference and Tradeshow at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. 
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Amy Stone

Last Vestiges of Fall, Part Deux

  As each day goes by, the season for fall color continues to fade, but one last time (oh maybe another to come), here are a few features from last week, starting with the lead photo of the European larch at OSU’s Wooster Campus showing its final glories before winter quiescence.


  Next, check out the roses in German Village, still blooming during the OSU Nursery Short Course and Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Show last week. Now they are surely blasted. But those leaves with the black spot will fall to the base of the plant and lurk into next season, developing spores for...

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Jim Chatfield

Last Vestiges of Fall, Part 1

  Last week was the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Show and the OSU Green Industry Short Course and I took a few pastry-seeking walks down to German Village from the Columbus Convention Center. With this weekend’s cold and snow, let us remember some of the – last vestiges of fall, starting above with florist's geraniums, sure to no longer be with us.


  Barberry (Berberis) fall foliage is quite colorful, and while fact-checking a bit, I was surprised to learn that the Berberidaceae family also includes two of my favorite wildflowers, Podophyllum...

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Jim Chatfield

BYGLQuest 2016-3: The Name Game

And now…for BYGLQuest 2016-3...I hope you are adorned in your togas, using your fingers to eat olives and figs.  Or how about nocello poured over gelato?  At any rate, here is your weekend challenge – and timing is everything. The best answer to these four plant name and classification questions by 11:59 Sunday night, December 4, 2016 will receive a publication from my archives. 
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Jim Chatfield

Knowing About Trees... Will Definitely Please!

Have you always wanted to know more about trees and why they grow like they do, why they need the resources that they utilize and just what exactly do they need to grow and thrive… And have many other question like these?  Well the perfect learning opportunity has arrived with some outstanding speakers and researchers willing to share their current tree knowledge with you!


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Erik Draper

Shrub of the Week: Winterberry Holly

{Text and photos for this bygl-alert are provided by Paul Snyder, horticulturist for OSU’s Secrest Arboretum at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, with a little help from Jim Chatfield}. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, winterberry (Ilex verticillata) that is. While this member of the genus Ilex is not what Thomas Oliphant had in mind when he transliterated the lyrics of this ancient welsh carol into English, it is what we think of at Secrest. Ilex verticillata is perhaps the most visually stunning member of the genus Ilex. Ilex, which comes from the...
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Jim Chatfield

BYGLQuest 2016-2 Revealed: Its The Blueberries


  You may recall that the challenge for BYGLQuest 2016-2 ( was to identify all plants in the images accompanying the text. There were numerous fine responses, but the discriminator was the one and only person to identify the lead image (see above).  It is a blueberry (Vaccinium sp.) in my backyard.



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Jim Chatfield

ALB eNewsletter from USDA

Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) has been in the news recently, including a BYGL Alert written by Joe Boggs on November 18, 2016 - "New ALB Infestation Found in Clermont County, OH."  That BYGL Alert can be found by clicking on this link:


While there is an interest in regular ALB Updates in Ohio since eradication efforts are underway to eliminate this exotic invader in the buckeye state.  People may occasionally want a national update with reports from Massachusetts and New York...

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Amy Stone