Bagworm Egg Hatch: The Game’s Afoot! Wed, 05/29/2024 - 15:53
BYGLers reported during yesterday’s Tuesday morning BYGL Zoom Inservice that overwintered Bagworm eggs are hatching or have hatched in Ohio meaning the “bagworm season” is now underway. Look closely at trees and shrubs festooned with last season’s bag abodes to detect newly hatched bagworms.
Published on
Joe Boggs
Erik Draper
Curtis E. Young
HRI Box Tree Moth Demystified Recording Now Available Fri, 05/24/2024 - 14:40
The “tHRIve - WEB SERIES” is where you can remain updated on a wide range of issues important to the Green Industry.  The webinar titled, “Box Tree Moth Demystified” was presented live last Wednesday, May 15.  The webinar covers what to look for with BTM and the latest results from BTM management trials.
Published on
Joe Boggs